Main distribution Busbars presentation Linergy LGYE 630A to 4000A Horizontal/verticalB-8
Horizontal and lateral busbarsB-9
Linergy LGY busbars presentation Lateral busbarsB-10
Linergy BS busbars presentation Horizontal and lateral busbarsB-11
Power busbars Linergy LGYE Horizontal profiles up to 4000 AB-12
Linergy BS Horizontal busbars up to 4000 AB-13
Linergy LGY Lateral profiles up to 3200 AB-14
Linergy LGYE Lateral profiles up to 4000 AB-15
Linergy BS Lateral flat busbars up to 4000 AB-16
Linergy LGY Rear profiles up to 1600 AB-17
Linergy BS Rear busbars up to 1600 AB-18
Linergy - AccessoriesB-19
Linergy BW Insulated busbars up to 630 AB-22
Linergy BS Rear busbars up to 400 AB-24
Multi-stage busbars up to 630 AB-25
Multi-stage distribution block up to 630 AB-26
Incomer accessories up to 630 AB-27
Distribution blocks Linergy DP Quick distribution blocksB-28
Device feeders Linergy FC Feeders for Compact NSX & INSB-30
Insulated flexible barsB-32
Distribution blocks Linergy DX Quick distribution blocksB-34
Device feeders Linergy FM Quick device feedersB-36
Distribution blocks Linergy DS Screw distribution blocksB-38
Device feeders Linergy FH Comb busbar for 27 mm pitch for C120, NG125B-40
Comb busbar for 18 mm pitch for Acti 9B-41
Comb busbar for 9 mm pitch for Acti 9, C60B-43
Horizontal comb busbar for 18 mm pitch for DomaeB-45
Horizontal biconnect comb busbar for 18 mm pitchB-46
Terminal blocks and lines Linergy TA Auxiliary connectionsB-47
Linergy TB Earth barsB-48
PE conductorB-49
Secondary distribution Linergy TB terminal block supportB-50
Linergy TR IntroductionB-51
Terminal blocksB-52
Prisma functional systemB-54
Main distribution Form 1 partitioningB-55
Covering the supply terminals on the incoming deviceB-56
Form 2 partitioningB-57
Form 3 partitioningB-59
Form 4 partitioningB-61
Other partitionsB-63