Linergy BS busbars presentation
Horizontal and lateral busbars
Main distribution
Horizontal Linergy BS busbar for switchboards up to 3200 A. Adapts to all
LinergyLGY1600 A profiles and also to the lateral Linergy LGYE busbar.
Lateral Linergy BS busbar for switchboards up to 3200 A.
Adapts to all profiles of the horizontal Linergy LGYE busbar.
Horizontal busbars from 800 to 3200 A
Lateral busbars de 800 to 3200 A
Horizontal and lateral busbars up to 3200A
require the same amount of space.
Horizontal busbars :
Linergy BS bars without holes
W=2000mm, 5 mm thick
Linergy BS bars without holes
W=2000mm, 10 mm thick
Can be installed independently on either
the left or right-hand side of an 800mm
wide framework for distribution on either
Three fixed supports (04661) are
mandatory. When more than three
supports are required (see the tables for
busbar calculations on the following
pages), use free supports (04662).
Busbars are positioned on the bottom
support (04663).
Type of busbar
Linergy BS bars with holes, W=1675 mm,
5mm thick (up to 1600A)
Linergy BS bars with holes, W=1675mm,
10mm thick (up to 2500A)
Two 10mm holes every 25mm along the
entire length of the busbars.
be used with these busbars.