Modular devices Modular devices Acti 9A-45
Modular devices Acti 9 y 63 AA-46
Modular devices 80/160 A switchboard incomerA-47
Source-changeover Source-changeover, Compact / MasterpactA-48
Possible combinations, Compact NSX100/630, NS630b/1600, Masterpact NT06/16, NW08/32A-49
Manual or remote-operated or automatic source-changeover Masterpact NW08/32, front connection S1 device identical to S2 deviceA-50
Masterpact NW08/32, rear connection S1 device identical to S2 deviceA-51
Masterpact NW08/32, front connection S1 device different to S2 deviceA-52
Masterpact NW08/32, rear connection S1 device different to S2 deviceA-53
Masterpact NT06/16, front connection S1 device identical to S2 deviceA-54
Masterpact NT06/16, rear connection S1 device identical to S2 deviceA-55
Masterpact NT06/16, front connection S1 device different to S2 deviceA-56
Compact NS630b to 1000A-57
Manual source-changeover Compact NSX100/630A-58
Remote-operated source-changeover Compact NSX100/630A-59
Manual source-changeover Compact INS-INV250 to 630 Front direct rotary handleA-60
Compact INS250 to 630 Complete assembly deviceA-61
Fusegear Fupact presentationA-62
Fupact ISFL Vertical / 3P - Determining the busbarsA-63
Fupact ISFT Vertical / 3P - Installation on mounting plate or busbars Determining the busbarsA-64
Fupact INF Horizontal / Vertical - Extended rotary handleA-65
Others Power factor correction equipmentA-66
Industrial control devicesA-68
Metering 3-phase kilowatt-hour metersA-69
Single-phase and 3-phase kilowatt-hour meters Class 2A-70
Human-switchboard interface 72 x 72 and 96 x 96 mm devicesA-71
Reserve spaceA-74
Fixing accessoriesA-75
Universal adapter Prisma G adapter - Mounting on a plain backplateA-76
Mounting on a slotted plate - Mounting on a modular railA-77
Cable runningA-78
Connection accessories Cable-tie supports, lateral and longitudinal cross-membersA-79
Switchboard lightingA-80
Prisma functional system