Total Solution to Earthing & Lightning Protection |
Specific systems protection
Photovoltaic (PV) systems are at risk from transient
overvoltages which may enter the system following a
direct lightning strike to a structural LPS, or via the wider
electrical network.
Protection against transient overvoltages is achieved through
installation of appropriate SPDs on the DC and AC side
of the DC-AC inverter in the PV system. Installation should
follow the guidance provided in Technical Specification
DD CLC/TS 50539-12.
Installation on the DC side of the DC-AC inverter
An SPD specifically designed for use on the DC side of a PV
system should be installed. Where the distance between the
PV array and the inverter is < 10 m, a single SPD suffices,
mounted as close as possible to the inverter. Where the
distance > 10 m, two SPDs should be installed, one close to
the inverter and the other close to the PV array. The minimum
Type of SPD is dependent on presence of structural LPS/
separation distance (see Table 4).
Table 4:
SPD requirement according to structural LPS configuration
Status of
DC side, distance PV array to inverter
Structural LPS
< 10 m
> 10 m
AC side of inverter
No structural LPS
ESP PV Series protector
ESP PV Series protector
ESP AC mains power protector
(min. Type 2 performance)
(min. Type 2 performance)
(min. Type 2 performance)
Structural LPS (separation distance kept)
ESP PV Series protector
ESP WT Series protector
ESP AC mains power protector
(min. Type 2 performance)
(min. Type 2 performance)
(min. Type 2 performance - inverter)
(min. Type 1 performance - MDB)
Structural LPS (separation distance not kept)
ESP PV Series protector
ESP PV Series protector
ESP AC mains power protector
(min. Type 1 performance)
(min. Type 1 performance)
(min. Type 1 performance)
Installation on the AC side of the DC-AC inverter
The presence (or lack) of a structural LPS, plus whether
sufficient separation distance has been kept between the LPS
and the PV array, defines the SPD requirement on the AC
side of the inverter (see Table 4). Where the distance between
service entrance (Main Distribution Board (MDB)) and inverter
is < 10 m, a single SPD should be installed at the service
entrance (MDB). Where > 10 m, two SPDs should be
installed, one at the MDB and the other close to the inverter.
Furse Combined Type SPDs for AC mains power circuits are
applicable here. The SPD to be installed will be dependent
on the Class of LPS around the structure, and the location of
the metallic services connected to it (i.e. underground/
exposed overhead supply).
Generator junctionbox -SPD for
PV systems (ESPDC550/12.5/PV)
SPD forACmains
power (Combined
Operationbuilding -SPD
forPV systems (ESPDC1000/12.5/PV)
Roof mounted PV array, with external LPS
This page refers to protection of PV power circuits only. Ensure any data/signal/
telecoms lines connected to the PV system are also appropriately protected.
Furse ESP PV Series SPDs offer combined Type 1+2 protection, and therefore apply
across all scenarios.
SPD for PV systems
(ESP DC550/12.5/PV or
ESP DC1000/12.5/PV)
bonding bar
kWh kWh
SPD for AC mains power
(Type 2 - separation distance kept)
(Type 1 - separation distance
not kept)
SPD for AC
mains power
(Type 1)
LV Incomer
External LPS
s = separation distance.This installation shows the separation distance is kept.Where the
separation distance is not kept, the PV array should be bonded directly to the external LPS.
Protection of solar park/PV array