Panoramaof the solution
Distribution and connection
Linergy DX 160 A and Linergy DP 250 A distribution
- Reliable spring-terminal connections for outgoing
circuits, requiring no maintenance
- Horizontal or vertiical installation in minimum space
> For incoming devices
Linergy and Prisma G: an optimised and high-performance
type-tested offer (IEC 61439-1 & 2 standard)
> For rows of modular devices
Linergy DX 125 at 160 A distribution block
Linergy FH 100 to 125 A
comb busbars
Linergy FM 63/200 A
Linergy TR
- Spring terminals for electrical connections
that stay tight
- Front designed to integrate perfectly with
modular devices
- Reliable spring-terminal
connections requiring no
- Fast installation
- Easy upgrades through
replacement or addition
of devices
- Easy balancing of phases
- Fast and direct connections,
adaptable to all needs
- Easy, economical
- Fast and simple installation
- Multiple connection options (screw, spring or push-in
- Traditional, highly polyvalent solution
- Many installation possibilities
Linergy BS 160 to 630 A
distribution block