Panoramaof the solution
Distribution and connection
Customised organisation of your switchboard
> Centralised distribution blocks for switchboard incomers
Linergy DX 160 A 4P:
practical and aesthetic.
Modular monobloc
distribution block for fast
Linergy DX 160 A 1P:
"à la carte" distribution
Modular combinable
components for fast
Linergy DS 160 A:
a traditional solution.
Installation on modular rail on
Screw-terminal connections.
Linergy DP 250 A:
modular and compact.
Installed directly downstream
of Compact circuit breakers
and switches without taking
up any extra vertical modules.
Fast connections in
spring-loaded terminals.
> Busbars up to 630 A for all switchboard architectures
Linergy BS
for traditional distribution.
Rear Linergy BS busbars.
Lateral busbars.The bars are staggered
for easy access to connection points.
Linergy BW
compact and insulated for fast upgrades.
Prefabricated connections, optimised and fully insulated.
> Row distribution blocks for modular devices
Linergy FM device feeder:
a fast, flexible and reliable solution.
The Linergy FM device feeder snaps easily onto the back
of the rails.
All types of modular devices can be mixed in the same row and
phase balancing is simple. It’s easy to change or add devices.
Linergy FM device feeder
80 A.
Linergy FH comb busbars.
Linergy FM device feeder
200 A.
Linergy FH comb
a simple, cost-effective
Linergy FH comb busbars are
fully insulated.
Device can de connected
in a single operation.