You select this configuration method when you want to set up a radio network between rooms. The system is capable of managing up to
100 devices.
You need a laptop, the “CONNECT radio configuration tool” software and the “CONNECT radio USB data interface”.
Ensure that receivers are distributed throughout the entire building. Receivers are able to route radio commands. If a radio transmission path
is temporarily disrupted, other receivers within range can route the radio commands. The more receivers in range of the transmitter and of
each other, the more reliable and stable operation will be.
If a CONNECT radio system device has been previously programmed, it is recommended to reset to factory settings before trying to
integrate it into a new system.
Setting up a new CONNECT radio system
Basic procedure:
Install devices
2 Connect the configuration tool/program the system administrator
3 Register devices
4 Insert function channels in the “Building view”
5 Connect devices
6 Program devices
Installing devices
Install all the devices at their final installation locations and connect them. This is necessary as the devices recognize where other devices
capable of routing radio commands are located even when being registered.
Connect the loads to the receivers. Some receivers use the load in order to confirm commands received.
Connecting the configuration tool/programming the system administrator
The configuration tool must be connected to the network in order to register new devices or to change an existing radio network. The
connection is always made via the system administrator. Therefore you are prompted to actuate the system administrator or the prospective
system administrator (three times within approximately 1.5 seconds). The system administration is then transferred to the configuration
tool so that you may set up or change the system. As soon as the configuration tool is disconnected from the radio network, the system
administration is transferred back to the original system administrator.
Registering devices
Once the configuration tool is connected to the radio network, you must register the devices. Here the configuration tool reads out all of the
devices’ information in order to be able to integrate them into the radio network. Register all the receivers first and then all the transmitters in
a room. Only receivers are able to route radio commands. Information about which receivers are present is also stored in the transmitters.
In order to register a device you must actuate it three times within 1.5 seconds. To confirm, the receivers briefly change their current switching
status; on the transmitters, the LED in the push-button flashes. The device to be registered must be located in the direct vicinity of the
“CONNECT radio USB data interface” connected to the laptop.
Software configuration tool