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Lighting Control Catalogue

DALI Controller

In many fields of application, dimm­able lighting systems are becoming more and more important. The previous gap in

communication existing between the LON network and the lamps is closed by DALI. This Digital Address­able Lighting Interface

is a standardised interface for electronic ballasts developed by the leading Euro­pean manufacturers.

By means of ballast addresses, the lamps of up to 64 DALI ballasts can be switched and dimmed individually via a common

data line – without the usual brightness gradient due to the resistance of the control line.

The DALI ballasts can be divided into up to 16 groups. Every ballast provides16 scene memory units for light levels so

particular atmospheres can be recalled directly.

LON DALI Controllers DR-S 4DIM, 8DIM and 16DIM allow independent control of four, eight or 16 lighting groups respectively,

according to the LonMark profiles. In addition, they provide the scene control of the DALI devices. Different characteristic

curves of dimmable electronic ballasts from various manufacturers are conformed to automatically.

The LON DALI Controllers are DALI system devices. They control all DALI ballasts and connected DALI multisensors, and

provide an interface between LON and the DALI bus. By use of the familiar LNS plug-in, the controllers can be configured and

the DALI devices can be integrated completely in the LON bus system. Neither special accessory devices, nor software, are


The electronic DALI ballasts communicate bi-directionally, i.e. they can pro­pa­gate their current state to other DALI devices. In

combination with the appropriate equipment, lamps can announce failures to the LON DALI Controller. The latter transmits the

message via the LON network to a building management centre or via a LON TCP/IP gateway to any other place in the world.

Up to 256 devices, divided into 64 DALI groups, can be connected to the LON DALI Gateway REG 4x16 DIM with four DALI

control lines.