ZuccHInI BuSBar guIde
Tap-off boxes are
available pre-wired
or empty with plug-
in or bolt-on options
Joint covers
mechanical rigidity
and maintain IP 55
Metal end feed unit (centre feed
and switched end feed units are
also available)
Trunking lengths are available in
single and double sided versions
with aluminium or copper
Lowering lifetime
installation costs
MR features a monobloc electrical jointing system.
The shearhead bolt on the monobloc allows for
fast assembly of the run and guarantees long-term
reliability and safety.
As well as being quick to install, Zucchini MR busbar
is easy to upgrade if existing installations need to be
modified. The vast choice of elbows, tees and other
accessories make any configuration possible, with
bespoke solutions also available on request.
SwItcHBoard -
tranSformer feed
HorIZontal elBow VertIcal elBow
tap-off BoxeS