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Presentationof CompactNSX

circuit breakers for PrismaG-

Presentationof source

changeover system

Functional system

Functional units

Circuit breakers

A range of intelligent circuit breakers

Compact NSX improves management of electrical


In addition toprotection functions, thenewgeneration

of Compact NSXmoulded-case circuit breakers

provides new features (analysis,measurements and

communication) with access to information:



either directly on the LCDscreenof the tripunit to set

the circuit breaker or read themainelectrical values,

includingU, I, f, P(W) andE (kWh)



or on the FDM121 or FDM128display on the front of

thePrisma switchboard (duct door with special front

plate) for quick access toagreater wealthof


Acable connects thedisplay to the tripunit without any

special settings or configuration,making it easy to

personalise alarms anddisplays or readevent logs and

maintenance indicators.

Integration of Compact NSX in Prisma

Installationof Compact NSXdevices in aPrisma

functional switchboard is very easy andmadeof

a functional unit system:



dedicatedmountingplates for Compact NSXoffer



matchingpower connections LinergyDPdistribution

block andprefabricated connections, connection

blocks, power supply blocks)






compliancewith the safety perimeter, by design.

Toensure the supply of

energy at all times, certain

electrical installations are

connected to two sources:



normal sourceS1



replacement sourceS2which steps in

to supply the installation if thenormal

source is not available.

Amechanical and/or electrical

interlocking systembetween two

Compact switch-disconnectors or circuit

breakers (or amixture) avoids

simultaneous connectionof the two

sources during switching.

InPrismaG, amanual changeover with

mechanical interlockingof devicesmay

be installed.

This is the simplest system. Ahuman

operator is requiredand consequently,

the transfer fromthenormal source to

the replacement source is delayed.

Amanual source-changeover system

comprises twoor threemanually

controlleddevices (circuit breakers or

switch-disconnectors) that are

mechanically interlocked.

The interlocking systemavoids

simultaneous connection (even transient)

of the two sources.

For more information on the

communication functions of

Compact NSX, see the ULP

system user manual, ref.

TRV99100, and the

CompactNSX catalogue, ref.


See catalogue "Compact,

Masterpact source changeover

systems", ref. LVPED21122EN



A new front plate

The front of Compact NSX circuit

breakers has aneye-pleasing curved

profile,makingPrisma switchboards

evenmore attractive. Prisma front plates

aredesigned for all types of controls

(toggle,motormechanism, rotary


Installation architectures for the measurement


Compact NSX circuit breakers equippedwithMicrologic 5/6A

or E tripunits providemeasurements that canbe readon the

FDM121 or FDM128displaymoduleor directly on the circuit

breaker. Thismakes it possible tooptimise the space required

by the functional unit.

Installation times have alsobeen reducedwith respect to

systemwith current transformers.

What ismore, installation and connections aremade easier

because the FDM121 or FDM128may be installed:



via adirect cut-out in aplaindoor






onpartial door cut-out.



