Technical annexes
Selection of enclosures
Selection according to the IP protection degrees
The degrees of protection, explained on the next page, is an important element
when selecting the enclosures.
The following table shows the protection degrees of the enclosures.
Selection according to the environment
The location of the enclosures and the physical, chemical and climatic conditions
to which they are exposed will determine the model to be used.
Steel enclosures are particularly well suited to indoor use in industrial
Stainless-steel enclosures are particularly well suited to corrosive environments
or areas where specific hygiene demands are applicable.
Polyester enclosures are particularly well suited to severe corrosive atmospheres,
indoors or outdoors.
Enclosures made from insulating materials guarantee total insulation, reducing
electric hazards for persons.
The main characteristics of the plastic materials of our enclosures and their chemical
strength are given on page 540.
Further help for making the selection is given by the NEMA or UL classification
of the enclosure, see page 537.
IP40 IP41 IP42 IP43 IP44 IP54 IP55 IP65 IP66
Metal industrial boxes
Spacial SBM
Metal derivation boxes
Spacial SDB
Steel universal wall-mounting enclosures Spacial S3D
Steel modular distribution wall-mounting
Spacial S3DM
Terminal wall-mounting enclosures
Spacial S3DB
EMC steel wall-mounting enclosures
Spacial S3HF
HMI steel wall-mounting enclosures
Spacial S3CM
ATEX steel wall-mounting enclosures
Spacial S3DEX
Stainless-steel wall-mounting enclosures Spacial S3X
ATEX stainless-steel wall-mounting
Spacial S3XEX
Steel floor-standing enclosures
Spacial SM
Steel suitable enclosures
Spacial SF
Stainless-steel floor-standing enclosures Spacial SMX
Stainless-steel suitable enclosures
Spacial SFX
Steel control desks
Spacial SD
Stainless-steel control desks
Spacial SDX
Thermoplastic industrial boxes
Thalassa TBS-TBP
Polyester modular boxes
Thalassa PLS
Polyester wall-mounting enclosures
Thalassa PLM
ATEX polyester wall-mounting enclosures Thalassa PLMEX
Polyester floor-standing enclosures
Thalassa PLA (2)
Thalassa PLD
(1) Double door.
(2) Different IP depending on the version. See introduction in Thalassa PLA section.
(3) With gasket.
(4) Different IP depending on the version: Spacial SBM flat box: IP66 - Spacial SBMC FL21 entry box and Spacial SBMB Bus box: IP55.
Plastic & Polyester
The universal offer