ZuccHInI BuSBar guIde
SuStaInaBle development
From design through to manufacturing,
the Legrand Group selects materials and
processes that respect people and the
• Efficient and environmentally aware product design
• Product functions that help to avoid energy waste
• Management of manufacturing and logistics sites
• Integration of environmental concerns and
ISO 14001 procedures at the Group’s global sites*
ZucchInI OvErvIEw 02 LOw POwEr Overview 04 Ordering information 06 Technical information 12 MEDIuM POwEr Overview – MS/Mr 20/28 Ordering information – MS/Mr 21/30 Technical information – MS/Mr 24/43 hIGh POwEr Overview 58 Ordering information 62 Technical information 84* 84% of sites are ISO 14001:2004 accredited including all uK sites.