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Page Background

Cembre S.p.A.

factory in Brescia (ITALY)

covers an area of approximately 121.000 sqm



This catalogue illustrates the

range of our standard products.

For each product family we indicate

the principal features, and some-

times the most frequent applica-

tions and the necessary guidelines

for a correct application. Our sales

personnel are at your disposal to

supply more detailed information

and our design and development

engineers are available to study

new solutions to particular appli-


On 14th December 1990



Quality Management System

was certified by

Lloyd’s Register of

Quality Assurance

(LRQA) accord-

ing to

ISO 9002-1987 EN 29002

- 1987 BS 5750: Part 2: 1987

for the manufacture of insulated

and uninsulated copper crimping


Then on 22nd December 1992

Cembre SpA

was certified



for the design and manufac-

ture of cable accessories, electrical

connectors and associated tools.

The activities of the main premises

in Brescia, the Italian regional offi-

cies and the subsidiary companies

in Great Britain, France, Spain,

Germany and USA are governed by

a single Quality System,


by Lloyd’s Register of Quality as

conforming to the ISO 9001:2008

norm, for the design, manufacture

and sales of electrical connectors

and associated tools, cable acces-

sories, marking systems, tooling

and products for railway applica-

tions. In house repair, refurbish-

ment and calibration of tooling.

This guarantees a homoge-neous

and high quality level of the prod-

ucts and services that Cembre

offers to its customers.

Cembre S.p.A. has recently rec-

ognised the need to align its Envi-

ronmental Management System

with the spirit and content of UNI

EN ISO 14001: 2004 as funda-

mental to future development.

To this end the company under-

took a wide-ranging review of all

functions including development

and design stages, material se-

lection, usage and manufacturing


The resulting definition of opera-

tional procedures in line with these

aims and provisions has enabled

Cembre S.p.A. to achieve Environ-

mental Certification, further high-

lighting the companies sensitive

and careful approach to environ-

mental protection.

Cembre S.p.A.

has recently en-

hanced its business processes


the certification by Lloyd's

Register of Quality Assurance, of

its Management System for the

Health and Safety of Workers,

in accordance with the standard

OHSAS18001:2007 (Occupation-

al Health and Safety Management


The project, launched in early 2011,

was strategically designed to facili-

tate the active participation of all

employees at every level in the appli-

cation of systems management, in

order to optimise compliance of risk

management capability with regard

to laws and regulations concerning

the health and safety of workers. All

employees have received exhaustive

training and are involved, by exercis-

ing their individual responsibility and

competence, as key players in the

identification of residual risk situa-

tions and  the proposal of corrective


For Cembre then, this certification

is not only the proper recognition of

the quality of work performed, but

also an incentive to maintain a de-

termined competitive advantage in

increasingly difficult and aggressive

international markets.

All Cembre products comply with

Directive 2011/65/EU of the

European Parliament and Council

dated 8 June 2011 (and subse-

quent amendment).