ZuccHInI BuSBar guIde
Trunking lengths available
with aluminium or copper
conductors and in single or
double sided versions
Self-shearing bolts
ensure the correct
torque is applied at
the joint
Pre-installed monobloc
for fast, rigid and
reliable connections
SwItcHBoard -
tranSformer feed unIt
HorIZontal elBow
VertIcal elBow
truSted BY world leadIng deVeloPerS
Zucchini SCP has been selected by Land Securities as an approved high power busbar
system. Being one of the few manufacturers selected, this demonstrates Legrand’s
ability to provide solutions that meet the quality and specification requirements of
world leading property developers.
Land Securities is the UK’s largest commercial property company and a member
of the FTSE 100. The company owns and manages more than 29 million ft
of property, including shopping centres and offices.
For more information visit