Pre-assembled standard
distribution board
Factory assembly of standard distribution boards
with standard incoming and outgoing devices.
Providing the installer with all of the products factory
assembled and ready for cabling.
Engineered Consumer Units
Factory assembly of non-standard consumer units,
special configurations in standard enclosures or
metal DIN rail enclosures. Providing an exact product
that meets the requirements of your particular
installation needs.
Pluggable and metered consumer units are also
an option. With pluggable consumer units circuit
breakers are wired to sockets fitted into the
enclosure enabling final circuit cabling to be simply
plugged in.
Bespoke composite system
Factory prepared distribution boards ready for
assembly on site with apertures pre-cut to allow
cable access between the various enclosures,
combining Panelboards and TP&N boards into
bespoke composite panels.
Standard metal distribution boards designed to
accommodate customer specified OEM equipment.
To learn more about our engineered solutions offer, please contact us:
Technical Service Centre
01952 675600
Call our Technical Services Centre for your national sales enquiries.
Technical Service Centre Faxline
01952 675557