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wiring devices




The K5419R is a mobile Field Strength Indicator enabling the installer to

determine the ideal mounting positions for Transmitters and Receivers.

Furthermore, faulty connections of devices already installed can be

checked. The unit shows the field intensities of radio signals received and

any interfering radio signals in the 868MHz range.

Using the Field Strength Indicator allows the installer to review the strength

of received signals at the proposed receiver locations – to ensure reliable

operation you should aim to have consistent GREEN or AMBER signals

on the indicator.

The meaning of the four LEDs at the top section of the Field Strength

Indicator, are as follows:


The right hand AMBER LED is headed “Telegram Valid”. This

signifies that an 868MHz signal has been detected.


The left hand RED LED signifies that the signal strength is insufficient

for a good installation. This LED will be illuminated immediately when

the Power button is switched on.


The AMBER “Class A” LED signifies that the installation will be

good. The only proviso to this is that the Switch Receiver is not to be

recessed in the wall or have any further potential screening situated

around it, which could further increase signal attenuation.


GREEN, the “Class B” LED, ensures an excellent installation, even if

there is a little further screening caused, for instance by mounting it

below a wall surface, assuming this is not in a metal box.

To get the best results, always hold the Transmitter exactly where it is

intended to be installed and place the Field Strength Indicator exactly

where the Receiver will be installed.

When the Transmitter is operated and the GREEN LED is illuminated, this

signals that the receiving field force possesses sufficient power reserve

for a reliable installation. There will be generous provision for subsequently

changing conditions of the surroundings (i.e. additional screening caused

by lightweight walls, shadowing by people etc.).

If the signal received is AMBER, repeat the test three times. If three

AMBERS or a mixture of AMBER and GREEN are received, the installation

will be good. The only proviso to this is that the Receiver is not to be

recessed in the wall or further screened in any way, which in itself would

increase any signal attenuation.

If just the RED LED is illuminated, this indicates that the present intended

installation is not acceptable.

If the signal is not good enough in the initial layout, consider rearranging

the position of the Switch Receiver to see if the signal strength can be


How to use the Field Strength Indicator:

Person 1 operates the Transmitter and generates the radio signal by

pressing the switch. Person 2 checks the field strength received on the

display of the device and thus determines the ideal position.

Alternatively, if conducting the investigation alone, press the “1 min.”

button on the Field Strength Indicator, then from the moment of pressing

the Transmitter, you have that long to return to the indicator to determine

the suitability of the proposed installation.


The Field Strength Indicator can be used for on-site determination of

the ideal mounting position of the Transmitter and for identification of an

interfering radio signal.

Even after careful planning, the Field Strength Indicator should be used to

verify proper reception at the Switch Receiver position during installation.


For applications restricted to one or two rooms, e.g. when retrofitting a

switch, the direct transmission range will normally be adequate. For

applications “throughout” a building, the following differentiations must be


Flats, terraced houses and single-family houses of up to 400sqm.


Larger residential units with 3 rooms or more (living room and

bedrooms) should be fitted with a Repeater. The Repeater should be

centrally placed (e.g. in the centre of the middle floor).

Small residential unit (up to 3 walls and 1 ceiling)


or Receiver

Bedsit or up to 2 floors in a townhouse: the direct transmission range is

usually adequate.

Multi-room flat and one-family house (more than 3 walls, more than

1 ceiling)


or Receiver


To ensure radio coverage in a larger residential unit, it is generally

advisable to install a central Repeater.

Echo™ is a registered trademark of Novar ED&S Limited

Field Strength

Indicator K5419R