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home management system


Cat. Nos.

Local management

1 . 2" touch screens

Equipped with white or magnesium

surround, to be equipped with surround

plates (p. 30-33


3  3 

 .  ­€E‚ touch screen ƒor

management oƒ ma„. … ƒunctions

sound s†stem, temperature control,

… scenarios, energ† management

 module plates

3 . 5" touch screen

‡upplied with support ƒrame and with white

and magnesium coˆer plate, to be equipped

with special plates (p. 30-33


3‰ Š

3 .  touch screen to

control ‹Œ‡ ƒunctions,

lighting, temperature control,

sound s†stem, scenarios,

energ† management,

intruder alarm

Equipped with ƒront panel

Œ‡‹ connector read† ƒor

open webnet programming


Žo be installed in ƒlush mounting bo„

Cat. Nos. 0Š‰ ‰ or 0Š‰3 ‰, opposite

New generation 10” multimedia video

touch screen

0” touch screen perƒorming the ƒunctions

oƒ an internal unit and a touch screen

Žhe new graphic interƒace

enables diƒƒerent kinds oƒ



0 Š 0 

’ntegrated web naˆigator

’t giˆes the possibilit† oƒ

controlling all ƒunctions ƒrom

one single point oƒ the home “

- perƒorming oƒ scenarios

- switching on”oƒƒ, and dimming oƒ lights

- shutter control

- temperature displa† and management

- energ† management – consumption


- sound s†stem management “ selection oƒ

music sources, ˆolume ad–ustment...

- ˆideo door entr† s†stem call management

- management oƒ multimedia content (photo

ƒrame, audio pla†er, —P3...

˜all mounted installation (support


™equires power suppl† Cat. No. 3 …0 0,


3 

0 

3‰ Š


Cat. Nos

Remote management

Web server gatewa 



›llows the communication

between a ‹Œ‡”‡C‡

installation and a ŽCP”’P


 ‚’N modules .  mm






‡upport ƒrames and surround plates selection charts . 3033

Žechnical inƒormation “”arteor-building-automation

and ƒollow the link to ‘›rteor pro–ect and technical guide’

šull technical guide

aˆailable to download at



‚ther devices

ƒu ervision so„tware


0…‰ …‰

Can be used in order to tune up the

s†stemŸs ƒunctions through a computer, and

to ƒollow them on real time basis

ƒcenario scheduler



›llows setting up oƒ up to 300

scenarios with pre-set conditions

(time and logical t†pe

 ‚’N modules .  mm

™eplaces Cat. No. 003 

ƒcenario scheduler ower su l


3…0 0

Proˆides power ƒor ˜eb serˆer and

scenario scheduler Cat. No. 003 

 ‚’N modules .  mm

™eplaces Cat. No. 03… …

‚ en †acnet gatewa



’nterƒace ƒor the remote control

oƒ ‹acnet deˆices,šancoil units,

›C units, underloor heating and

touch screens

‡lush mounting boˆes

šor 3 .  touch screen Cat. No. 3‰ Š


0Š‰3 ‰

šor dr† partitions -  „ 3 modules


0Š‰ ‰

šor concrete walls -  „ 3 modules