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Leading the way
th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations.
saw the biggest change to design and installation, inspection and
testing for the UK electrical industry in 15 years. MK is committed to help
all our customers understand the implications and necessary actions for
compliance these changes bring.
January 2008 saw the introduction of BS 7671:2008, 17th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations and came
into full effect on 1st July 2008. Installations designed after this time will be required to comply with
BS 7671:2008. The Regulations apply to the design, construction and inspection and testing of electrical
installations and concern additions and alterations as well as new installations.
High Integrity Earthing
The earthing requirements for installation of equipment having high protective conductor currents, or High
Integrity Earthing, could be found in the 16th Edition of the Wiring Regulations in Part 6 – Special Installations
and Locations, under Section 607.
With the publication of the 17th Edition of the Wiring Regulations these requirements have moved and have
been incorporated in Part 5 – Selection & Erection of Equipment, specifically in Regulation 543.7. The title
remains and the requirements and methods of compliance are fundamentally unchanged.
Powertrack Systems are recognized in the 17th
Edition Wiring Regulations as a ‘wiring system’,
located in Chapter 52 – Selection & Erection of
Wiring Systems.
Appendix 8 – added to cover both current carrying
capacity and voltage drop for this type of system.
Ackermann products have been designed to
support compliance with the 17th Edition of the
Wiring Regulations:
Cablelink Plus and Onix Plus floorboxes allow
for the provision of RCD protection.
Cablelink Plus Modular and Single Pan ranges and
Deskpod offer pre-configured variants, wired to
achieve High Integrity Earthing compliance.
www.switchonmk.comto access the 17th
Edition Podcast – an easy to listen, digestible
radio show’, produced in partnership with the
NIC EIC and Professional Electrician and Installer
th Edition CPD – ‘Socket in a Shower’
Continuing Professional Development – See page
for further details.
Technical Services and Customer Services Teams –
trained and fully conversant with the requirements
of the 17th Edition of the Wiring Regulations.