Energy Efficient
Product Guide
With buildings contributing 47 per cent of the UK’s total
carbon emissions, the government has set a goal to cut
carbon emissions by 20% from 1990 levels by 2010,
exceeding the 12.5% reduction outlined in the Kyoto
The Kyoto Protocol is the first international treaty to set
legally binding emission reduction targets on developed
countries. Targets will reduce an overall emissions basket of
six greenhouse gases. The European Union and its member
states agreed to meet a joint target of an 8% reduction.
This arrangement allows the EU’s target to be redistributed
between member states to reflect their national circumstances
and requirements for economic growth.
The UK Government made a commitment to the European
Union’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. This
Directive sets out objectives to promote the introduction of
cost effective measures, including renewable energy systems,
to improve the energy performance of new and existing
buildings, in which it recognises that the largest potential
energy savings lies with existing building stock. The directive
saw the introduction of Energy Performance Certificates in
all buildings, which started with the sales of homes back in
June 2007.
Awareness of environmental issues and the need to reduce car
considerably in recent years.
With various government targets in mind,
around energy consumption, the environment and sustainability, it is now
alike understand how they can have an effect on the efficiency and environm