wiring devices
MK Sensors
Non- Residential Lighting Energy Savings Potential
90% 100%
Localised Lighting vs General
Room Sensor Controls
Automatic Lighting (Building) Controls
HF Electronic Ballasts
Tungsten to CFL Lamps
Tungsten to Tungsten Halogen Spots
38mm to 26mm Fl tubes
Diffuser Replacement
Payback : 2-6 years
Payback : 1-2 years
Payback : 2-3 years
Payback :1-3 years
Payback : 5-15 years
Payback : 2-5 years
Payback : 4-8 years
Payback : <1 year
Private Office
Room sensor controls offer fastest payback and up to 90% savings in certain applications
When considering these potential savings and taking into account the initial cost of specification and
installation of lighting control, the payback period can be as little as less than one year for Room Sensor
The following research statistics, produced by the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers,
shows the quickest payback period, combined with the highest potential energy savings which occur when
installing Room Sensors Controls, such as MK Sensors.
Lighting Energy Saving Measures
All MK energy-saving lighting controls and associated equipment qualify for Enhanced Capital Allowances
(ECAs). ECAs enable businesses to claim 100% first year capital allowances on qualifying investments via
their Corporation Tax Return. In addition to equipment costs, installation charges, and any changes to the
building needed to install the equipment also qualify for tax relief. The Carbon Trust offer interest-free loans
of £5,000 - £100,000 for energy efficient projects, repayable over 4 years. These loans are available to small
and medium sized enterprises in England and Wales that have been trading for at least 12 months. Any
project which saves energy and has a payback of less than 5 years may qualify, and the loan can cover
installation and commissioning costs as well as equipment costs.
Source = CIBSE – Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers